Volunteer Mediator Requirements

1. Complete Volunteer Application

All interested volunteers must download and complete the volunteer application and return it to volunteering@newjusticeservices.org.  

Volunteer Application Form


​2. Complete Basic Mediation Skills Training

All interested volunteers must complete the basic 36 hour mediation skills training provided by New Justice Conflict Resolution Services. The basic training consists of both didactic and experiential learning; providing the basic building blocks needed to become a mediator. New Justice is a New York State Certified Training site, with all trainings instructed by State Certified Community, Custody/ Visitation and Parent – Child Skills Trainer, and Agency Lead Trainer, John W. McCullough.   


3. Apprenticeship

Once you have completed the basic training, if you are interested in continuing your skills training you will be matched directly with a Program Coordinator in your area. Your Program Coordinator will provide specialized training on the various case types, agreement writing and confidentiality.  To complete your apprenticeship you must complete the following prior to mediating any cases solo:

(1) Observe two cases

(2) Co-mediate two cases

(3) Mediate two cases under the observation and review from your Program Coordinator 

During the apprenticeship, all volunteers must be able to conduct themselves as a neutral intervenor who cannot take sides, give opinions nor give advice. After each session, the Program Coordinator will have a debriefing period providing direct feedback and answering any questions. Any extensions on the number of observations and co-mediations will be based upon discussions between the Executive Director, Program Coordinator and the Volunteer.  


4. Continuing Active Status

In order to remain an active mediator, you must mediate three cases per year and attend six hours of in-service education per year provided by the organization.  


*If, for any reason during the apprenticeship period, the Executive Director is unsatisfied with the apprentices’ performance, they may be removed from the program. 

Download a copy of these requirements by clicking below:

Volunteer Mediator Requirements 

