Training Programs
New Justice Services is a leader in the design and implementation of conflict resolution training in Central New York. New Justice Services began providing conflict resolution skills training in 1981 and has been providing its own NYS certified community mediation skills training since 1982.

The skills training programs currently offered by New Justice Services are described below.
Mediation Skills Training:
Community Based Programs
New Justice Services provides basic and specialized mediation skills training for community mediation staff, volunteers and law students. The basic mediation skills training program is 36 hours in length and consists of both instruction and experiential learning.
New Justice Services also offers specialized training in custody – visitation mediation which is 16 hours in length and focuses on the dynamics of Family Court matters, and in parent – child mediation which is 8 hours in length and focuses on the dynamics of disputes between youth and their parents or guardians.
New Justice Services is a New York State Certified Mediation Training Site, with all trainings instructed by State Certified Community, Custody/Visitation and Parent - Child Skills Trainer, and Agency Lead Trainer, John W. McCullough.
School Based Programs
Based upon its expertise in mediation skills training, New Justice Services has been offering training for in-school and peer mediation programs since 1990. New Justice Services trainers have assisted in establishing some fifty peer mediation programs in six counties throughout Central New York. This training has been provided to both students and staff at all grade levels, with the youngest students trained being fourth graders. The length of the training for school programs is based upon the age of the students. Elementary students receive 12 hours while high school students receive 20-25 hours, depending upon the size of the school and the nature of the conflicts they are expected to address.
School Based Trainer John W. McCullough
Professional and Business Programs
In cooperation with the Onondaga County Bar Association, New Justice Services has trained attorney mediators for the NYS Grievance Committee's Lawyer-Client Mediation Program in the Fifth and Sixth Judicial Districts.
In the business arena, New Justice Services has trained human resources personnel for both government and private sector clients to use mediation to handle employee disputes including Equal Employment Opportunity/discrimination matters.
Professional and Business Mediation Trainer John W. McCullough
Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Skills:
New Justice Services began offering an introduction to interpersonal conflict resolution skills to students and teachers in 1984.
The twelve hour “Understanding Conflict-Communications Skills for Resolving Conflicts Peacefully” program is the basis of New Justice Services’ training for students, teachers, parents, at-risk youth, justice system personnel and business people. This core material is tailored to meet each group’s needs.
Anger Management and Violence Prevention Programming
As a specialized offshoot of interpersonal conflict resolution skills training, New Justice Services provides anger management and violence prevention programs for schools, businesses, and the juvenile justice system. This training focuses on personal anger management techniques or crisis management and preventing violence within an organization.
New Justice Services provides anger management training to “at-risk” youth through a Pro-Social Skills Program offered in cooperation with the Probation Department in Onondaga County and the Syracuse City School District.
School Trainer Lawton Williams
Violence Prevention Trainer John W. McCullough
The RESTORE Program provided by New Justice Services is a twenty-hour social emotional learning program directed at young males, ages 17 – 24, who are under the supervision of the Probation Department as Youthful Offenders and are deemed at risk for gang like behaviors.
RESTORE Group Leader Todd Eudell
New Justice Services has provided crisis management and violence prevention training to school personnel and street outreach workers. New Justice Services has implemented and supervised a community based Violence Interruption Program and has assisted schools in creating their crisis management plans.
Crisis Management Trainer John W. McCullough
Formal Hearing Training Services
New Justice Services provides arbitration skills training for the New York State Unified Court Systems Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program in the Fifth and Sixth Judicial Districts. This training is delivered to both lawyers and non-lawyers.
New Justice can also train school personnel to conduct both formal and informal suspension hearings, and train students to conduct Youth Court hearings.
Formal Hearing Trainers John W. McCullough
Jim Wood
Heather Saroney